STRING Project: Thematic itineraries in a Box, a new approach for accessible tourism



The accessible itineraries developed within the EFC project the League of Accessible and Historical Cities (LHAC) project have been the basis of inspiration for a new initiative, involving some of the former members of the LHAC (Fundación ONCE, Fondazione CRT, Sozopol Foundation) and other international stakeholders (see below for the whole list).

The STRING Project (Smart Tourist Routes for Inclusive Groups) is a transnational cooperation initiative aiming at creating fully accessible itineraries in Italy (Piedmont Region), Spain (in the city of Ávila) and Bulgaria (in the city of Sozopol). The transnational cooperation between foundations, associations for people with disabilities, tour operators and travel agencies has been developing the idea of the STRING Box as an easy way to travel for tourists with specific needs. Several thematic itineraries have been created in each city and specifically dedicated to food and wine, open air activities and cultural visits.

People with disability and everyone else will soon have the possibility to buy or receive a STRING box and choose their preferred travel&itinerary combination with the advantage of having the option to contact and be helped by the tour operator staff for any specific requirements.

For more information you can also see the website:

Project Leader: CPD (Consulta per le Persone in Difficoltà Onlus) , (Italy)

Partners: Regione Piemonte and Fondazione CRT (Italia); EFC European Foundation Centre (Belgium), Fundación ONCE (Spain), Sozopol Foundation (Bulgaria) and other 6 Tour Operators and travel agencies specialized in accessible tourism specializzati in turismo accessibile: Akita Tour SAS (Italy), Dena Travel (Spain), Sozopol-Tour (Bulgaria), Accessible Portugal (Portugal), Weitsprung-reisen (Germany) e ChrisTravel (Denmark).

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